
Sunday, May 19, 2013

aplikasi generator emotions facebook


selamat pagi sobat......
udah pada banggun blm nih :D
kali ini aaya mau berbagi aplikasi Symbian berbasis python :D yaitu aplikasi yg sedang ngetren di fb sekarang ini :D
aplikasi generator emotions text facebook
gimana udah ngak sabar kan :P
1: hp symbian pasti :P
2: anda harus sudah meginstal aplikasi python
jika belum silahkan download dulu di sini aplikasi pythonnya masuk sinid>>python os 7-8
3: aplikasi generator emotions fb bisa download di mari>>>>emotfb-v1-0.sis

dan silahkan berkreasi sendiri :P
ahir kata trimakasih sudah berkunjung :P
jgn lupa tinggalkan komentar anda :D
spesial thxs to novi arvana


  1. Ol terus ga capek nih om ?
    Di tunggu ya komentar baliknya

  2. hhhhhh ol.apa pak baru banggun tadi :P

    ok makasih :)

  3. I'd watched youbtue videos, and I'd read about the basic idea, so I knew roughly what was supposed to be happening. Meg made a good point about each person having their own trick or way of looking at it. As I was trying to help some of the other folks in the class, I noticed I was explaining it 3 different ways.Thanks, by the way, it's nice to know it's looking good. I'm no where as smooth as Meg is, but I'm very happy with what I've achieved on pNemo.


di larang berkomentar yang jorok / sara
ada sopan kamipun segan :)